
The New Zealand Asia Institute welcomes visitors who are researching topics relevant to the Institute’s work, especially where they are undertaking joint research with institute members.

For details regarding the application process, please write in the first instance to Dr Xin Chen.

We are unable to offer funding for visiting researchers. Current and former visitors of the Institute since 2012 are listed here.


  • Dr Shuyun Meng (Qi Lu University of Technology, China)
  • Prof. Jong Won PARK (Korea University Business School, Korea)


  • Assoc. Prof. Tomoko FUKUDA (Chiba University, Japan)


  • Prof. Koichi NAKANO (Sophia University, Japan)
  • Prof. Mari MIURA (Sophia University, Japan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Tomoko FUKUDA (Chiba University, Japan)
  • Prof. Henry Wai-chung YEUNG (National University of Singapore)


  • Prof. Shu-Ching CHEN (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan)
  • Prof. Zhen WANG (Hebei University of Economics and Business, China)
  • Assoc. Prof. Yanhui WANG (Beijing Technology and Business University, China)
  • Assoc. Prof. Jianrong TANG (Hainan University, China)


  • Prof. Koichi NAKANO (Sophia University, Japan)
  • Prof. Mari MIURA (Sophia University, Japan)
  • Siddharth Chakravarty (Sea Shepherd Global)



  • Professor Michio YAMAOKA (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Professor Toshiro KITA (Doshisha University)
  • Dr Qing Ji WU (Ritsumeiken Asia Pacific University, Japan)
  • Ms HUANG Xiao Feng (Qinghai University, China)


  • Professor Alan HUGHES (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Professor Shinji TAKI (Doshisha University, Japan)
  • Dr Soongu LEE (Andong National University, Korea)
  • Professor Nobyoshi YAMORI (Nagoya University, Japan)
  • Mr Merlin LEVIRS (Doshisha University, Japan)
  • Professor Shunji YAMAZAKI (Daito Bunka University, Japan)
  • Professor Masayoshi HONMA (University of Tokyo, Japan)
  • Prof. Kiyohide HIGUCHI (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Ms FU Rong (Foreign Affairs Office, Qinghai Province, China)