
Graduates talk about how their studies at the Business School have helped them develop individual and organisational capabilities to compete on a global stage.

Your career in Business

Meet our recent graduates and discover their diverse career journeys. Learn about their experiences, advice for future students, and how the Business School prepared them for career success.

Image of Jordan Parratt

Complementing his degree with extracurricular activities helped Jordan to clarify what roles he wanted to have in his career.

Read Jordan's story
Image of Maata Mafi

Maata knew she wanted to work at one of the 'Big Four' from the first moment she heard about them.

Read Maata's story
Teukialupe Havea

A passion to help her community in Tonga to realise the potential of their land was just one of the reasons Teukialupe chose to study Property.

Follow Teukialupe's journey

A conjoint degree enabled Indi to figure out his passions and build on them – while remaining confident in his employability.

Read Indivar's story
Zain Khan

Zain knew at high school that he wanted to study Commerce and decided to focus on what he enjoyed studying when choosing his majors.

Read Zain's story
Kate Gatfield-Jefferies

Combining Business and Law gave Kate the essential skills to achieve her entrepreneurial goals.

Read Kate's story
Tom Howe

After seeing the potential for growth in the data industry, Thomas decided to major in Business Analytics alongside Marketing.

Read Thomas' story
Chelsea McCraith

The Bachelor of Commerce set a solid foundation for Chelsea’s career in investment banking.

Read Chelsea's story
Dalton Valasi

A long-standing interest in media and public relations led Dalton Valasi to his Marketing major in the BCom.

Follow Dalton's journey
Jessica Wood-Waikari

After completing the first year BCom core courses and getting a taste of each discipline, Jessica chose subjects that she enjoyed and suited her strengths.

See Jessica's story

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