About TKHM

Te Kupenga Hauora Māori (TKHM) coordinates teaching in Māori health across the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences and externally, spanning foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate education. There is also a focus on building capacity and developing appropriate teaching practices in Māori health throughout the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.
Key learning outcomes
Learning outcomes in Māori health vary depending on the level and type of course, but in general we aim for graduates to have:
• An understanding of health (appropriate for level and course) and the forces that shape it
• An understanding of the role various health professionals can play in the Māori health department
• A critical understanding of health inequities between Māori and non-Māori and the determinants of these disparities
• Skills to enable health professionals to monitor personal and institutional contributions to Māori health outcomes
• A commitment to lifelong learning in Māori and indigenous health.
Mission statements
Our mission statements are:
• To ensure the best possible standards of health for Māori and Pacific people, particularly through teaching, research, advocacy and work-force development
• To produce graduates who are able to provide quality care equally well for all
• To establish and produce results from research which are relevant to the needs of Māori and Pacific communities and therefore to the nation
• To encourage the establishment of a group of people with health promotional, epidemiological and management skills in Māori and Pacific communities
• To assist in the facilitation of community health projects
Te Ara - (Graduate Profile in Hauora Māori for undergraduate programmes)
Te Ara articulates the expected graduate learning outcomes in Hauora Māori (Māori health) for FMHS undergraduate programmes. Te Ara can be translated literally as the path, track or course. It symbolises a process of identifying a common goal and mapping a course to reach that destination. We have identified the key attributes that we believe all health professionals should have with respect to Māori health; the task ahead is to guide students and staff towards achieving these outcomes. Rather than a fixed path that we intend everyone to follow, Te Ara represents a flexible course where the journey may be very different for each person taking it.
Te Ara will:
• Promote alignment and consistency within the teaching, learning and assessment currently taking place
• Allow undergraduate programmes to share best practice and work together on future developments and their evaluation
• Prioritise future developments and work streams to strengthen the student learning of Hauora Māori
• Enable the faculty to provide leadership through having a shared understanding of Hauora Māori.
He Mihi Aroha - acknowledgements
Through the wisdom and guidance of our Kaumātua we have continued to feel supported in the work we do. He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.