Philanthropic funding
The Liggins Institute relies on philanthropy and charitable gifts to undertake blue sky research that is not funded by traditional granting sources.

Up to one third of all research activities undertaken at Liggins are funded by philanthropic and charitable gifts. These include clinical trials, PhD scholarships, research fellowships and general research funding. This type of funding is critical to provide the innovators of the future with the freedom to push the boundaries and think outside the box, without the constraints of regular granting body requirements.
Currently, less than 8% of all grants applied for in New Zealand are successfully funded, making it extremely difficult for young researchers. Our generous philanthropic supporters are directly responsible for assisting young researchers to establish their careers.
Charitable funding and benefactors
The Liggins Institute is extremely grateful for the support we have received from a number of charitable trusts and private benefactors. Donated funds are used to support specific areas of research and student scholarships at the donors’ request.
Thank you to our current donors:
- Aotearoa Foundation
- The Hugo Charitable Trust
- Shearwater Trust
- Cure Kids
- The Maurice & Phyllis Paykel Trust
- Rockfield Trust
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation
- Jubilee Crippled Children Foundation
- Norman FB Barry Foundation
- Sir John Logan Campbell Residuary Estate
- Lion Foundation
- The Kelliher Charitable Trust
- David Levene Foundation
- The Nurture Foundation for Reproductive Research
- Starship Foundation
- Newmarket Rotary Charitable Trust
- Chenerey Trust
- Neuromuscular Research Foundation
- The Mercia Barnes Trust
- Agnes Paykel Trust
- Arthritis New Zealand
- The Douglas Charitable Trust
- Brian & Sue Picot Charitable Trust
- The Giltrap Trust
- Lou & Iris Fisher Charitable Trust
- The Boyd Clarke Foundation
- The Cerebral Palsy Alliance
- JN Williams Memorial Trust
- HB Williams Turanga Trust
- The Friedlander Foundation
- Fertility Associates
Support the Liggins Institute
You can support the Liggins Institute in a number of ways.
- Attend a lecture or seminar
- Join our newsletter mailing list
- Host a Little Liggins event
- Put the Liggins Institute in your will
- Make a donation
100% of donations to the Liggins Institute are used for research, rather than overheads or administrative costs. Donations can be made at any time and for any amount.
To have a chat about supporting the Liggins Institute, or for more information about the options, please contact:
Catherine Davies, Development Manager
The University of Auckland and the Liggins Institute are mindful of the need to ensure that donated funds are applied only to the public good research components of the Institute's activities and cannot be applied (unless requested by the donor) to projects where commercial arrangements have been entered into.