ParticiPAte CP study

The aim of the ParticiPAte CP study is to help kids with cerebral palsy to do the sports and physical activities that are meaningful to them.

Why is this study important?

ParticiPAte CP stands for ‘Optimising Participation in Physically Active leisure for children with Cerebral Palsy’.

We know that being physically active is so important for healthy development, as well as a good way for children to have fun, keep fit, and make friends. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) do not participate in as many physical activities, and are less physically active than children without CP. There are lots of reasons (barriers) why children with CP participate less, and sometimes coming up with solutions to these reasons can be challenging.

What is the study trying to find out?

The ParticiPAte CP program goes beyond the usual therapy approach of helping children with CP achieve their physical activity goals. This approach includes a focus on the child’s strengths, preferences, uniqueness and capabilities, goal setting, and the therapist working with the family and the child on their barriers to physical activity participation. We need to test that this program works for children and their families.

Who can take part?

We are recruiting children (aged 8-14 years) with cerebral palsy who live within the Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland Region.

What does the study involve?

This is a randomised waitlist-control study, which means that some children with be randomly allocated to start their therapy straight away, and others will start at a later date.

The program involves 1 hour of face-to face therapy for each child for 12 weeks, delivered by a trained therapist, who will work with the child and their family to achieve goals about participating in sports and physical activities. The therapy takes place in the home and places where sports and activities take place in the child’s local community. We will complete assessments before and after the therapy is finished, as well as another 3 months after the therapy is complete.

How can I find out more?

The PARTICIPATE-CP program is now recruiting from the Auckland region. You can find out more by contacting Dr Sian Williams: