JR Data Specialist at ANZ

His desire to become a pioneer in the management of big data led Timothy Honey to a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science conjoint.

Tim Honey, JR Data Specialist at ANZ
Tim Honey, JR Data Specialist at ANZ

Key facts

Career: Data science and analytics
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science conjoint
Subjects: Business Analytics, Accounting, Data Science

“I loved playing with computers as a kid but studying Business Analytics showed me that technology could be more than a fun pastime and was something I could build a career on.”

Tim Honey

“It's no secret that big data is disrupting the business environment. Organisations have collected a lot of data but don’t know how to extract its value. And the number of people with the skills to source, wrangle, analyse and communicate that data are very few.

“Studying Business Analytics taught how to make use of all the vital data available to businesses now and to ensure its quality so that I can give my team or my clients total confidence that the data I’m basing my recommendations on is sound.

"My studies at the Business School have opened so many doors for me. My first opportunity came when I was still studying, working with the Business Schools Strategic decision making team. I then went on to a role as a a Technology Consulting Analyst at PwC.

"I’m now with ANZ’s rotational data graduate programme where I’m getting on-the-job experience with data science and analytics, data governance and data engineering. So it’s a bit of everything which is great as it's exactly what I’ve been studying to do."