Organisations offering private tuition or interview training services

The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences does not endorse, in any way, courses offered by providers outside the University of Auckland that purport to prepare students for entry into our clinical programmes.

Such external courses are not affiliated with the University. We do not recommend that applicants should pay to attend them and we advise our students to be wary of claims that these providers make.

If you are concerned about your academic progress, we do recommend that you talk to your course lecturers, tutors or staff in the Student Hubs. They are well-placed to advise you and can direct you to University learning support services.

Reasons why we do not recommend external organisations

  • All enrolled students already have access to a wealth of resources, including past exam papers and the MBChB portal.
  • You are much better off focussing on educationally designed activities provided in-class (shown to improve student learning outcomes) than investing in workshops run by people who ultimately have no responsibility for your academic performance.
  • Some of these companies provide students with "notes taken by A+ students", but such notes are of little value to students who have not invested time studying and revising the information and making sense of the knowledge for themselves.
  • Attending additional tutorials detracts from your time spent doing reflective work - assignments, revising class content, active learning or group study.
  • ‘Testimonials’ provided by such companies are typically from people whose applications to their programme of choice were successful and probably would have been anyway even if they did not support these extra tutorials. This reflects the abilities of the individual students themselves rather than the efforts of the company.
  • These companies have no liability if they teach you the wrong information or offer you poor advice.