NAOInstitute (the Natural, Artificial, and Organisation Intelligence Institute) covers anything that can think. We aim to understand it.

NAOInstitute stands for the Natural, Artificial, and Organisation Intelligence Institute. These three facets represent the broad field of intelligence research, from biology and psychology, to sociology and business, to artificial intelligence and machine learning. We are a transdisciplinary research centre with affiliated members from a broad diversity of backgrounds, cultures, career stages, research interests, genders and ages; and we all seek to explore the same thing: how do individuals, organisations and machines think; why do they think; and by understanding this, how can we improve the world’s wellbeing?
Our research
The NAOInstitute researches natural, artificial, and organizational intelligence and its impact on humanity's future. The Centre collaborates with global institutions, follows a collaborative innovation approach, and incorporates tikanga Māori. The Centre is transdisciplinary and aims to build strong relationships with hapū for inter-generational well-being.
How can you work with us?
We take this to heart and want to ensure that anyone and everyone can understand the work that we do, no matter what walk of life they come from. We want to engage with the community, and most importantly we want you to engage with us.
Public Symposia
The NAOInstitute will host an ongoing series of informal symposia intended to bring intelligence research to the wider public in an easily digestible format. Each symposium will have a single topic discussed by an expert panel, and an open Question and Answer session with the public. The first symposium in 2023 will discuss the concerns and fears around future automation in the workplace and what it will mean for all of us.
Academic Lecture Series
Starting in 2023, the NAOInstitute will host an annual academic lecture series, presenting four lectures over the course of a month, centred around a specific topic in intelligence research. The lectures will be open to the public but with a distinct academic slant to showcase the latest research findings in natural, artificial and organisational intelligence. The speakers will be drawn from across New Zealand as well as international guests.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend some of these events, as we will record all of them so that you can view them at any time.