Research interests

Our department undertakes internationally recognised clinical and scientific research.

Buchanan Ocular Therapeutics Unit

Their research focusses on evaluating new treatments for sight-threatening diseases. These include novel drug molecules as well as targeted and sustained-release drug delivery systems. We also develop novel preclinical models to test these new treatments. 

Connexin Biology

The Connexin Biology Team work on chronic inflammatory indications, focusing on connexin hemichannel regulation of the innate immune system and concomitant inflammatory disorders and vascular disease.

Cornea and Stem Cells

Their research focuses on the use of regenerative medicine in treating eye disorders. Conventional medical practice has aimed at halting the progress of disease within the affected individual, but the patient is often left with some disability due to loss of function caused by the disease process.

Genetic Eye Disease

Their overall goal is to perform and provide quality research into genetic eye diseases, to contribute to advancement of knowledge in the global community and to provide New Zealand individuals affected with genetic eye diseases an opportunity for molecular diagnosis.

Ocular Surface Laboratory

We are united by the overarching aim of improving patient outcomes through developing a better understanding of ocular surface and dry eye disease. We seek to answer clinical questions by establishing the evidence needed to effect changes in clinical practice.