Our sections, departments and centres

Our school is organised into sections, departments, and centres, each of which focuses on a different field of teaching and research.

This department provides a New Zealand-based graduate programme for clinical audiology.

Discover Audiology

We apply and promote epidemiology, biostatistics and related sciences to improve the health of all.

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Our department undertakes and disseminates collaborative research involving a wide variety of study designs and bridging clinical and social sciences.

Explore this department

Our aim is to advance understanding of the structure, processes and effects of health services and health policy.

About Health Systems

We aim to improve health outcomes of Pacific communities through excellence in research and applications.

Read about us

Social and Community Health is an application of interdisciplinary social sciences to community and organisational contexts.

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A mother with four children.

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study tracking the development of approximately 7,000 New Zealand children.

Learn about GUiNZ

An institute preventing disease, improving people’s health, reducing health inequities and enabling the delivery of more effective and equitable healthcare.

Visit NIHI