Digital inhaler preferences in health providers and in patients with asthma: A discrete choice experiment
This study aims to find out what the key attributes are that end users prefer for digital inhalers for asthma. This survey is the NZ component of an international study.

What's involved?
Participant's will be asked to complete a short 10-minute anonymous online survey evaluating preferences for different asthma inhalers based on their attributes (e.g,. size, cost, functionalities). As part of the survey, they will be asked to choose their preference between different digital inhalers. No koha or reimbursement will be provided.
Please click the button below to access the survey.
Eligibility criteria
- Individuals with asthma who are 18 years or over and have experience using inhalers for asthma OR healthcare provider looking after people with asthma.
- Individuals who are 18 years ore over who have other long-term lung conditions (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will be excluded.
Contact details
Dr Holly Foot
Approved by the Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee on 2/2/2022 for three years. Reference number AH23685.