Maya Smith

Maya is studying towards a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science because she wants to be able to help people.

Female student sitting at a table turning back towards the camera

Key facts

Programme: Bachelor of Science

Subject: Biomedical Science

“I have always been interested in the medical field ever since I was little. The idea of being able to help and support people and improve their quality of life has always seemed extremely rewarding to me. This is why after this year I’m hoping to be accepted into one of the clinical programmes, specifically the Medical Imaging programme.

“I am extremely grateful to have been awarded a University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship for 2020. This award has given me the chance to stay at Grafton Hall (University accommodation) as well as financially supporting me with my studies this year. Staying at Grafton Hall has been such a memorable experience while also being extremely rewarding for my studies. The strong sense of community has really allowed me to grow and achieve well this year. I have made many friendships both within and outside my course that I am sure will continue for years to come. The added financial support has been immensely helpful by reducing any stress of that nature and allowed me to be fully focused on my studies. I will forever be grateful for being given this memorable opportunity.

“This year has definitely been a big step up from high school and was made even harder by the lockdown. But in the brief time I spent on campus and the time spent learning online I have learned so much about myself and look forward to my future experiences and endeavours at the University of Auckland.”

During her studies, Maya has taken advantage of the Tuākana programme. “My mother is from Fiji but my father, my siblings, and I were all born and raised in West Auckland. 

I would 100% recommend Tuākana to other students. The most common misconception is that the programme is only for those who are really struggling with their courses when in reality it is more about reinforcing
concepts and actively engaging with the course content. There is also the
aspect of having a support network of experienced students as well as with
those within your own course.

Maya Smith

“All my experiences with the Tuākana programme have been extremely positive and full of support. The tutors and mentors are such a valuable resource to have especially as a first-year student. Tips, tutorials and hints from older, more experienced students? What more could you ask for!"

Maya isn’t ruling out further study but is looking forward to “entering the workforce and putting my skills and knowledge obtained throughout my studies into practice. I don't really have a set plan as to what I wish to do following my studies. I am trying to teach myself to let life take its course, which can be difficult sometimes. I find from experience that having a concrete life plan can often hold me back from unexpected opportunities.”