The ISSG, which is part of The World Conservation Union (IUCN) aims to reduce threats to natural ecosystems and native species.
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The professional society concerned with promoting geography in New Zealand.
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GNS Science is dedicated to understanding the natural processes of the earth and translating these into economic, environmental and social benefits.
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This organisation promotes links between the New Zealand Geographical Society and geography departments in universities and schools.
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New Zealand's professional body of geoscientists, including practising professionals, recent graduates and students.
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This organisation of professional engineers represents practitioners in soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology.
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New Zealand's department of geographical information responsible for surveying, land titles, and management of Crown land.
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This research institute is responsible for driving innovation in the management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources.
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NIWA conducts environmental science with a focus on the sustainable management of New Zealand's natural resources.
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