Statistical workshops and short courses

This page will be updated regularly as we develop new short courses and workshops. We offer tailored short courses at your organisation on request, please make an enquiry at if you are interested in this.

Introduction to R

We offer an introductory workshop for the statistical programming language R, an essential tool for anyone using statistics for research or study.

The R statistical programming language is used daily by millions of users around the world and is currently one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. R was developed in the Department of Statistics here at the University of Auckland by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, so you have come to the right people to learn R!

Our introductory R workshop is designed for people who have either little or no experience using R, and typically most participants have no prior experience with R (70% of the most recent workshop’s participants had never used R before the workshop).

The introductory R course is run over two full days, with 4 sessions per day. Each session consists of a lecture followed by a practical, hands-on session where you will work through a problem set and instructors are available to answer questions. All participants are provided with a USB drive containing all workshop materials that is yours to keep after the workshop.

We mostly use the ever-popular set of R packages called the “tidyverse” in the workshop – if you have ever seen even a snippet of R code, you have probably seen at least one tidyverse package being used! You will learn how to manipulate the provided raw data using dplyr and tidyr, visualise the cleaned dataset using ggplot2, and run some analyses including t-tests, ANOVA, and regression.

The workshop has been designed to be practical, so that you can immediately start working on your own analyses with the tools you will learn. It is based on our experience with real-world problems our collaborators have commonly needed to solve – over 90% of participants from our most recent workshop indicated they would recommend our course to future participants.

Bookings are open to anyone and the details for our next introductory R workshop can be found below.

Introductory R Workshop

Date: 24 – 25 October 2024  (Registrations are open)

Time: 9am – 5pm

Location: City Campus, University of Auckland

Enquiries: Joei Mudaliar

Workshop costs

University of Auckland students and staff: $400 excl. GST (Paid by PRESS, research grant or other UOA a/c)

University of Auckland students and staff: $400 + GST (Paid by debit/credit card)

Non-University of Auckland attendees: $650 + GST