Easy-Allo study

The University of Auckland is currently conducting a study for people with gout. The study is looking at the best way to prescribe allopurinol.

What's involved?

The study involves regular visits to the Clinical Research Centre at the University of Auckland over one year. All participants will receive expert management of their gout. They will be given education about gout and its treatment and provided with an individualized plan for how to manage their gout flares as they occur. They will also receive allopurinol, the most commonly used urate lowering therapy, and a plan to prevent gout flares when starting allopurinol.

We will provide a $20 petrol voucher for each trip participants need to make for study visits.

Eligibility criteria

To participate in this study, you must

  • Be aged 18 years or above
  • Have gout (according to 2015 ACR/EULAR criteria)
  • Are about to start allopurinol, or
  • Are already on allopurinol but your uric acid levels are still high

Contact details

Harriet Howard
Study Coordinator
Email: harriet.howard@auckland.ac.nz
Phone: 021 0849 6887

Professor Nicola Dalbeth
Primary Investigator
Email: n.dalbeth@auckland.ac.nz

Further information

This study has been approved by an independent group of people called a Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC), who check that studies meet established ethical standards. The Northern B Health and Disability Ethics Committee has approved this study.

Approval number: 2022 FULL 13478